Karen Casten ’81 and Louis Compton ’39 in Stuart, Florida |
After 20 years in advertising at Leo Burnett and Young & Rubicam, Trish de Verteuil Anastos is now an executive coach — rewarding and fun work that allows her to integrate pro bono work. Her sons, Peter and Daniel, are graduating from Vanderbilt and School of the Art Institute of Chicago, respectively, in May, and daughter Emily is at boarding school. Her family loves adventure travel and recently visited New Zealand and Thailand. She sees classmates Margaret Chan, Julie Dasher, Liz Riley Dwyer and Bambi Cummins (all ’81). She said her family is blessed to live in Newport Beach and the North Woods of Wisconsin.
Trish de Verteuil Anastos '81 (third from left) and family paddle in Phuket, Thailand |