Greetings, team. One year ago, markets, bailouts and recovery dominated headlines. We survived and all learned treasured lessons. Now, we’re sharing stories across the country and the Atlantic about weather, as we’ve survived snow in all but one state in February, and supported Haiti’s earthquake recovery. So it’s appropriate that our focus is about new beginnings.
Kevin Carty brings news about the formation of Precise Advisory Group (preciseadvisory.com) in late January. Precise targets small- to medium-size businesses, the sports, entertainment and nonprofit industries by offering advice and counsel on sensitive business issues and business strategy. Kevin serves as comptroller and principal of the firm. Congrats and best wishes, Kevin.
Here’s news from the Kellogg Alumni Council. Gina Tapper and I join Patty Bloomfield to represent you on the KAC. At the most recent meeting we had our own time to talk about what we treasure in life.
Gina remains true to her calling. She continues to provide strategic consulting services to hospitals, healthcare systems, county health departments and non-profits. Program planning is her main area of expertise. Three years ago she experienced our health care system firsthand when she fell off a cliff (literally) while hiking and shattered her ankle. After three surgeries and more than 100 physical therapy sessions, she is grateful to be alive and is doing splendidly. Gina still loves life in beautiful La Jolla, Calif., where she enjoys hosting events for the Kellogg and Northwestern alumni clubs of San Diego.
Patty’s heart still has a special place for the Chicago area. Patty returned to Cincinnati six years ago to be closer to family while working for a medium-sized advertising agency there. Patty is making a career change to focus-group moderating with the goal of returning to Chicago in the next 12 to 18 months with her daughter, Sophie (9).
I’m proud to have celebrated my 23rd anniversary at Morgan Stanley as a wealth adviser in December. Who knew that it would take 23 years for lifestyle management to pay big dividends? Girl Scouts and Kellogg claim more of my philanthropic time these days.
Our reunion will be upon us again sooner than we think, so let’s hear your ideas about ways to set ourselves apart as we did at Kellogg. We’re a creative bunch, and we have time to plan something awesome! Meanwhile, keep the news coming — and send digital photos of the stuff you treasure. All the best.