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  Larry McGregor '59 and family
  Larry McGregor '59 and family hiked the Grand Canyon.


Classmate Dick Coldren '50 is busy as tournament director for the Midlands Wrestling Tournament at Northwestern, in which more than 400 amateur wrestlers compete each December (an event he co-founded), and as a trombone player in the Deerfield Concert Band and the Big Dance of Deerfield.

While visiting the corporate office of Pepsi in Purchase, N.Y., John Nicholson '51, who is retired, encountered fellow alums Steve Sears '87 and Katie Lacey '93. Steve and Katie both work in marketing as vice presidents. John reports he enjoyed his impromptu meeting and conversation about Kellogg, joking that he had learned in undergrad what Steve and Katie had learned in graduate school. Their unanimous reply was, "I don't think so." John's daughter Cynthia is also a vice president in marketing at Pepsi and works closely with Steve and Katie.

John reports that his family has strong Northwestern ties: His late sister Catherine graduated from Northwestern with a degree in speech and daughter Catherine earned a master's degree in journalism in 1984.

Jerome Lamet '52 checks in with the following update: "After five years of operation of Debt Counsel for Seniors and the Disabled, we have established a new legal service company, Tower Legal Network, with more than 1,000 new enrolled nationwide clients. We are able to settle credit card debt at savings of 50 percent of balance due. This growing enterprise is the only lawyer-operated debt-settle service in the country."

After earning her master's degree in hospital administration, Maura Gimenez-Mucchiut '55 began an extensive career in the public sector, holding a variety of managerial positions throughout several government administrations. An active member of the American Hospital Association and the Venezuelan chapter of the VAAUW, she was awarded several government distinctions and representations at several health councils. Maura has published a number of essays in health organization and development for both the private and public sectors in Venezuela. Most importantly, she will attend her 50th Kellogg School reunion this year.

Salvatore P. Magnano '59 is listed in Who's Who in Business and Finance, as well as the 59th publication of Who's Who in America. Salvatore writes, "It is a great award and I am thankful for my Kellogg education."

Larry McGregor '59 is retired from First of America Banks. Larry celebrated his 70th birthday by hiking the Grand Canyon with his son, daughter-in-law and 7-year-old grandson. It was Larry's fourth day trip into and out of the canyon since 1997. He lives in Scottsdale, Ariz., and can be reached at

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University