Back in
early February, I sent out my usual e-mail message to you
all requesting news for this issue of Kellogg World.
The day I sent the message I mentioned that weather here in
Evanston was only 6 degrees F (with sub-zero wind chill).
Art Handman was quick to remind me that he is staying
a little warmer. In Art's words: "Not much new to report
from sunny Southern California, but your weather report from
Evanston does require me to provide you the same from here:
70-75 and sunny...for the past three weeks! Our son John is
now 16-months-old and rocketing around the house like a cannonball:
a future EMP'er on energy level alone!"
Hey, Art,
thanks for the news about your son, but next time, skip the
weather report. Art's e-mail address is: Art.Handman@tropicana.com.
and Art Handman EMP-37, proud parents of John David
Handman (future EMP student).
Everard reports that Ramesh Goyal was interviewed on television
news while organizing relief aid for the earthquake victims
in India. Lloyd's e-mail address is: Lloydeverard@aol. com.
You can reach Ramesh via e-mail at: rgoyal0001@aol.com.
Nimgaonkar sent us an e-mail message saying he is in the
process of transitioning back to the United States after almost
three years in Paris. He had a "frantic time" there
launching a new practice area for his firm (commercial effectiveness
enhancement via customer focus), and dealing with the culture
shift, but recommends Paris highly! In mid-April, Abhijit
will be moving to Princeton, N.J., after a couple months of
commuting from Europe. Abhijit's e-mail address is: abhijit.nimgaonkar@zsassociates.com.
Pedersen and Bob Weeks ran in to one another at
Kellogg's Digital Frontier Conference on Jan. 19-20 (the conference
Web site may be found at www.digitalfrontier.org/). Last year,
Neil had mentioned that Honeywell acquired System Sensor.
This year he reports that GE is acquiring Honeywell. Neil,
next year will you be telling me someone is acquiring GE?
There aren't too many bigger fish out there. Neil's work e-mail
is still neil_pedersen@pittway.com but his home e-mail address
has changed to neilpedersen@ hotmail.com.
truly has made a couple changes since I spoke with most of
you. I am no longer doing automotive simulation work although
I continue to sell an existing product. I did a brief stint
daytrading before the market tanked. Luckily I got out before
I lost my shirt. Lately, I have enjoyed doing freelance Web
site development for a few clients. When I'm not working on
Web sites, I continue to be amazed at how fast our three kids
are growing up. Sam is five now, in kindergarten, and starts
first grade next fall. He was just six months old when we
started our classes together. Ray is four now and in preschool.
I still remember coming to Bala's class just hours after Ray
was born and then leaving early because I felt so guilty.
Anna is already one and a half and is ready to take on the
world. They are simply amazing!
it for now. Thanks to all who submitted news. Please stay
in touch!