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Journal Article
A Multilab Registered Replication of the Attentional SNARC Effect
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science
Date Published:
Colling, L J, D Szu?cs, D De Marco, K Cipora, R Ulrich, H Nuerk, M Soltanlou, D Bryce, S Chen, P A Schroeder, D T Henare, C K Chrystall, P M Corballis, D Ansari, C Goffin, H M Sokolowski, P J B Hancock, A E Millen, S Langton, K J Holmes, M S Saviano, T A Tummino, O Lindemann, R A Zwaan, J Lukavský, A Becková, M A Vranka, S Cutini, I C Mammarella, C Mulatti, R Bell, A Buchner, L Mieth, J P Röer, E Klein, S Huber, K Moeller, B Ocampo, J Lupiáñez, J Ortiz-Tudela, J de la Fuente, J Santiago, M Ouellet, E M Hubbard, E Y Toomarian, R Job, B Treccani, Blake McShane. 2020. A Multilab Registered Replication of the Attentional SNARC Effect. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.