
A. Matsa
of Finance
Kellogg School of Management
Campus Drive
IL 60208
dmatsa @ kellogg.northwestern.edu

Research [ listed chronologically ] [ listed by topic ]
Papers are organized
chronologically and include links to related materials.
- Pricing Dynamics of Multi-Product
Retailers (with
Daniel Hosken and David Reiffen), in Advances in Applied Microeconomics,
Volume 10: Advertising and Differentiated Products, edited by M.R.
Baye and J.P. Nelson (New York: Elsevier), 2001, p.129153.
- Does
Malpractice Liability Keep the Doctor Away? Evidence from Tort Reform
Damage Caps, Journal of
Legal Studies 36 (2), June 2007, p.S143S182.
- Kellogg
Insight summary [link]
- Capital Structure as a
Strategic Variable: Evidence from Collective Bargaining, Journal
of Finance 65 (3), June 2010, p.11971232.
- Are
Restaurants Really Supersizing America? (with Michael Anderson), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3 (1), January
2011, p.152188.
- Running
on Empty? Financial Leverage and Product Quality in the Supermarket
Industry, American
Economic Journal: Microeconomics 3 (1), February 2011, p.137173.
- Online appendix [link]
- Kellogg Insight summary [link]
- Media
coverage: New York Times [link]
- Chipping Away
at the Glass Ceiling: Gender Spillovers in Corporate Leadership (with Amalia Miller), American Economic Review P&P
101 (2), May 2011, p. 635639.
- Growing
Out of Trouble? Legal Liability and Corporate Responses to Adversity
(with Todd Gormley), Review
of Financial Studies 24
(8), August 2011, p.27812821.
- Kellogg Insight summary [link]
- Awarded 2009 CRA International Award
For the Best Corporate Finance Paper at the
Western Finance Association meeting
- Competition
and Product Quality in the Supermarket Industry, Quarterly Journal of Economics 126
(3), August 2011, p.15391591.
- Media
coverage: Retail Leader [link]
- Labor
Unemployment Risk and Corporate Financing Decisions (with Ashwini Agrawal), Journal of Financial Economics 108
(2), May 2013, p.449470.
- Awarded 2010-2011 Glucksman Prize
for the Best Paper in Finance at New York University
- A Female
Style in Corporate Leadership? Evidence from Quotas (with Amalia Miller), American
Economic Journal: Applied Economics
5 (3), July 2013, p.136169.
Compensation and Corporate Risk-Taking: Evidence from a Natural
(with Todd Gormley and Todd Milbourn), Journal of Accounting & Economics 56 (23), November/December
2013, p.79101.
- Kellogg Insight summary [link]
- Knowledge @ Wharton summary [link]
- Awarded 2011 Marshall Blume Prize in
Financial Research at Wharton, Honorable Mention
- Common
Errors: How to (and Not to) Control for
Unobserved Heterogeneity (with Todd Gormley), Review of Financial
Studies, Review of Financial Studies 27 (3), February 2014,
- Programming advice [link]
- Lecture slides for Ph.D. course [link]
- Awarded 2012 Marshall Blume Prize in
Financial Research at Wharton
- Workforce
Reductions at Women-Owned Businesses in the United States (with Amalia Miller), Industrial and Labor Relations Review
67 (2), April 2014, p.422452.
- Kellogg
Insight summary [link]
- Boarding a
Sinking Ship? An Investigation of Job Applications to Distressed Firms (with Jennifer Brown), Journal of Finance 71 (2), April 2016, p.507550. Lead article.
- Why Do
Firms Use High Discount Rates? (with Ravi Jagannathan, Iwan Meier, and Vefa
Tarhan), Journal of Financial
Economics 120 (3), June 2016, p.445463. Lead article.
- Playing it
Safe? Managerial Preferences, Risk, and Agency Conflicts (with Todd Gormley), Journal of Financial Economics
122 (3), December 2016, p.431455. Lead article.
- Kellogg Insight summary [link]
- Awarded 2014 IRRC Institute Investor Research Award
- Unemployment Insurance as a
Housing Market Stabilizer (with Joanne Hsu and Brian Melzer), American Economic Review 108 (1),
January 2018, p.4981.
- NBER Digest summary [link]
- Kellogg Insight summary [link]
- Media
coverage: New York Times [link]
- Capital Structure and the
Firms Workforce, Annual
Review of Financial Economics 10, November 2018, p.387412.
- Who Votes
for Medicaid Expansion? Lessons from Maines 2017 Referendum (with Amalia Miller), Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 44 (4), August
2019, p.563588.
- Kellogg
Insight summary [link]
- Locked in
by Leverage: Job Search during the Housing Crisis (with Jennifer Brown), Journal of Financial Economics 136 (3), June 2020, p.623648.
- Do Male Workers
Prefer Male Leaders? An Analysis of Principals Effects on Teacher
Retention (with Aliza Husain and
Amalia Miller), Journal of Human Resources 58 (5), September
2023, p.14801522.
- Kellogg
Insight summary [link]
- The Big
Three and Board Gender Diversity: The Effectiveness of Shareholder Voice (with Todd Gormley, Vishal Gupta, Sandra Mortal, and
Lukai Yang), Journal of Financial Economics 149 (2), August 2023, p.323348.
- Kellogg
Insight summary [link]
- Inclusive
Monetary Policy: How Tight Labor Markets Facilitate Broad-Based
Employment Growth
(Nittai Bergman and Michael Weber), January 2022.
- Dual
Credit Markets: Income Risk, Household Debt, and Consumption (Brian Melzer and Michal Zator), August 2024.