Ec 515: Information Economics



Lecture Notes

Module 1: Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Module 2: Portfolio Choice & Insurance

Module 3: Moral Hazard - Introduction

Module 4: Principal-Agent Problem: Linear Contracts

Module 5: Generalized Principal-Agent Problem and Nonlinear Contracts

Module 6: Principal-Agent Problem with Subjective Evaluations

Module 7: Debt Contracts & Credit Rationing

Module 8: Multi-agent Moral Hazard Models

Module 9: Dynamic Moral Hazard

Module 10: Relational Contracts

Module 11: Reputation: Moral Hazard and Product Quality

Module 12: Holdup Problem

Module 13: Information Disclosure

Module 14: Adverse Selection

Module 15: Screening

Module 16: Signalling

Module 17: Mechanism Design & Optimal Auctions

Module 18: VCG Mechanism

Problem Sets & Exams

Problem Set 1

Problem Set 2

Midterm with Solutions

Problem Set 3

Problem Set 4

Practice Problems


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