Dec. 4: I have posted a number practice problems. We will go over some of them, as well as some of the questions in previous problem sets next week.
Dec. 1: The final exam will be on Monday, December 15, in SSW 413 at 12:30 - 14:30.
Nov. 24: I have posted the fourth & final problem set. It is due at 12:30 on Monday, December 8.
Nov. 10: I have posted the third problem set. It is due at 12:30 on Monday, November 24.
Oct. 8: The due date for Problem Set 2 is moved to Monday, October 20.
Sep. 29: I have posted solutions (or sketches thereof) for Problem Set 1.
Sep. 29: The midterm will be in class on Wednesday, October 22. It will cover everything that we will have covered by October 15. It will be open book and open notes.
Sep. 29: I have posted the second problem set. It is due at 12:30 on Tuesday, October 14.
Sep. 9: Starting Wednesday, September 10 and for the remainder of the semester, the class will meet in SSW 413 (270 Bay State Road).
Sep. 9: I have posted the first problem set. It is due at 12:30 on Monday, September 24.