Kellogg School of Management

Kellogg School of Management
at Northwestern University

Georgy Egorov

James Farley/Booz, Allen & Hamilton Research Professor
Professor of Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences


Microeconomic Analysis (MECN 430-0)
Political Economy III: Social Choice and Voting Models (MECS 540-3)
Leadership and Crisis Management (KPPI 440-A)


Microeconomic Analysis (MECN 430-0)

I am teaching MECN 430-0 in Winter 2024, full-time and part-time programs.

Winter 2024 (Sections 32, 33, 36)
Tuesday/Friday 8:30-10 (Section 32), 10:30-12 (Section 33), 1:30-3 (Section 36)
Location: Kellogg Global Hub L130
First class: January 5

Winter 2024 (Section 61)
Location: Wieboldt Hall 247
First class: January 3

Further information, readings, etc are on Canvas. 


Political Economy III: Social Choice and Voting Models (MECS 540-3)

I am teaching MECS 540-3 in Spring 2022. This course (previously called MECS 466-0) is part of Political Economy sequence and is about various aspects of collective decision-making, both on the micro level (how people aggregate of information and preferences through voting) and on the big picture level (how societies choose institutions to live under). We will briefly review some classical results from social choice, and find limitations of the cooperative approach. We then look at strategic behavior in collective decision-making: voting over binary agendas, and legislative bargaining. The second big topic is elections, where we plan to talk about all aspects – decisions whether and how to vote, whether to run, and how to campaign. The last big topic is institutions. We will talk about revolutions and coup d’états, how countries democratize, when and why. Ultimately, we will study models of forward-looking behavior in collective decision-making and dynamics of institutions.


Leadership and Crisis Management (KPPI 440-A)

I taught KPPI 440-A in the Fall 2014, sections 71/72.

Dates for Fall 2014:
Section 71: October 3-4, 10-11.
Section 72: November 7-8, 14-15.