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Session | Presenter's Name | Co-author(s) | Presenter's Affiliation | Paper Title | |
THP | M. A. | Ball | University of Liverpool | A new solution using coalitional theory for superadditive TU n-person games | |
THP | Mirta | Bugarin | Sataka Bugarin, Mauricio Soares Bugarin | Imoversodade de Brasilia | Non-Pigouvian Tax Design with Fully Aware Agents |
THP | Tom R. | Burns | Anna Gomolinska | Uppsala University | The Socially Imbedded Theory of Games: The Mathematics of Social Relationships, Rule Complexes, and Action Modalities |
THP | Hector | Calvo | Salvatore Lanza | DELTA (CNRS-EHESS-ENS) | Information in Auctions : Interest Groups |
THP | Thorsten | Clausing | University of Magdeburg | Cognitive Uncertainty in Games A Note on Limited Information Processing and Backward Induction | |
THP | Antonio | D'Agata | University of Catania | War For Land: A Division Game On Measurable Spaces | |
THP | Beatriz | de Otto Lopez | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | Bidding in a Pool with Contract Market | |
THP | Maria | Ekes | Warsaw School of Economics | General Elections Modelled with Infinitely Many Voters | |
THP | Dragan | Filipovich | Colego de Mexico | Choosing One´s Identity | |
THP | Takako | Fujiwara-Greve | Keio University | Efficiency and a folk theorem with voluntary partnerships and no information flow | |
THP | A. J. | Ganesh | K. Laevens, R. Steinberg | Microsoft Research | Dynamics of a congestion pricing model |
THP | Helena | Kim | K.U. Leuven | Sequential Crisis Bargaining | |
THP | Laszlo A. | Koczy | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Finding the best way to join in--A dynamic accession game | |
THP | Andreas | Krause | University of Fribourg | Patience and Collusion in Repeated Games | |
THP | Emiel | Maasland | Tilburg University | Procuring Universal Telecommunications Services | |
THP | Marcin | Malawski | Instytut Podstaw Informatyki PAN | Power Indices in Simple Games: Transfer Properties and Monotonicity | |
THP | Tomoni | Matsui | University of Tokyo | A Minimum Taxrate Core Allocation of Bin Packing Game | |
THP | Flavio | Menezes | Paulo Monteiro, Akram Temimi | Australian National University | Discrete Public Goods with Incomplete Information |
THP | Fausto | Mignanego | S. Mulinacci | Univerita Cattolica Sacro Cuore | Noncooperative Stockastic Stackelberg Games |
THP | Bernhard | Neumaerker | Ruhr University | The power of providing public goods privately (or publicly): A game-theoretic analysis | |
THP | Sander | Onderstal | Tilburg University | The Tennis Racket Auction | |
THP | Francisco S. | Ramos | Roberto A. Perrelli | Federal Univ. of Pernambuco | Prudential Regulation and Restructuring of the Brazilian Financial Market |
THP | Michael | Ramsza | Warsaw School of Economics | Certainly Worse Strategies and Sampling Dynamics | |
THP | Agnieszka | Rusinowska | Warsaw School of Economics | Bargaining Model with Preferences Described by Sequences of Discount Rates and Sequences of Bargaining Costs | |
THP | Agnieszka | Rusinowska | Honorata Sosnowska (author) | Warsaw School of Economics | More Fairly or the Same? Game Theoretical Analysis of Projects of Changes in Polish Electoral Law |
THP | Karel-Jan | Sandker | Maastricht University | A Welfare Enhancing Piecemeal Policy | |
THP | Tridib | Sharma | ITAM, CIE--Mexico City | Equity and Anonymous markets as Commitment Devices | |
THP | Pierre | von Mouche | Wageningen University | Formal Transfrontier Pollution Games | |
THP | Jin | Wang | Emory University | Trap Theory and Its Applications: Solutions to EliminateCorruption and Other Cooperative Crimes | |
THP | Marco | Wiering | University Utrecht | Learning to Control Traffic Lights with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | |
WEP | Iqbal | Adjali | D. Collings, A. Varley, M. H. Lyons | BT Laboratories | Investigating Learning Schemes in Game Theory With an Application to a Model of Entry in a Regulated Market |