On the Purpose and Conduct of Poster Sessions
The poster sessions include papers that did not fit specific subject categories and/or papers that are suitable for a less formal method of communication. These papers were scheduled into the five poster sessions to be held midday on the five days of the congress. The sessions will be conducted in a large room, allowing for the simultaneous presentation of approximately 40 papers. Each presenter is allocated a large board on which s/he can post any material desired, e.g., titles, pages with text, pictures, graphs, etc. Each board measures 90 centimeters (35 inches) wide by 150 centimeters (59 inches) high.
The material is to be posted early in the day to allow congress participants to select the topics of most interest to them. Then, during the assigned 45-minute time slot, poster presenters are asked to be present. This allows people with questions and comments to come and meet the authors for informal face to face discussions. Posters are to be taken down late in the afternoon.
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This page updated 05/04/00