Neal Roese
SC Johnson Chair in Global Marketing
Professor of Marketing
Professor of Psychology, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences (Courtesy)
Neal Roese is a globally recognized expert in the psychology of consumer choice. He is the SC Johnson Chair in Global Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, holds a Ph.D. in psychology from Western University, Canada, and was the marketing department chair at Kellogg from 2020-23. He teaches Strategic Brand Management, Startup Branding, and executive education modules on brand strategy. His scholarly research examines basic cognitive processes underlying choice, with a focus on how people think about decision options, make predictions about the future, and revise understandings of the past. His research and insights have appeared in over 100 scholarly publications, 2 books, and a variety of popular media outlets including the Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, and Inc. He lives in Evanston with his wife, Elizabeth.
- Judgment and Decision-Making; Counterfactual Reasoning; Regret; Hindsight Bias; Causal Inference
PhD, 1993, University of Western Ontario, Canada
MA, 1990, University of Manitoba, Canada
BSc, 1987, University of British Columbia, Canada -
SC Johnson Chair in Global Marketing, Professor of Marketing, Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2018-present
John L. and Helen Kellogg Professor of Marketing, Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2013-2018
Professor, Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2009-2013
Professor, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, 2009-present
Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005-2009
Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002-2005
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Social Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 2000-2002
Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, 1994-2000
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1993-1994 -
Fellow, Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Co-Editor, Routledge Open Science, 2023
Editorial Board, Social Cognition, 2016
Editorial Board, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2012-2016
Editorial Board, Journal of Management, 2011
Guest Editor, Psychology and Marketing, 2000-2001
Editorial Board, Psychology and Marketing, 2005-2019
Editorial Board, Psychological Inquiry, 2002
Editorial Board, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2000-2016
Associate Editor, Social Cognition, 2008-2010
Editorial Board, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2007-2010
Editorial Board, Social Cognition, 2005-2008
Editorial Board, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1998-2001
Editorial Board, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition, 1996-2012
Customer Insight Tools
Harness the power of customer insight to drive winning strategies and hard-wire the voice of the customer throughout your organization. This interactive program will equip you with the right blend of qualitative and quantitative tools to gain and sustain competitive advantage.
Marketing Management (MKTGX-430-0)
Marketing Management addresses the importance of companies being market-driven and customer-focused and presents current theories and practices of marketing management.
Field Study (MKTG-498-0)
Field Studies include those opportunities outside of the regular curriculum in which a student is working with an outside company or non-profit organization to address a real-world business challenge for course credit under the oversight of a faculty member.
Strategic Brand Management (MKTG-473-0)
As many products and services are becoming commoditized, brands are becoming increasingly important as key non-price differentiators. As a result, brands now have the potential to play an even greater role in creating value for customers as well as for the company. In this course, you will learn how to create and manage successful brands. We will discuss the key factors that enable brands to create value, focusing on the strategic aspects of building strong brands. You will learn about brand management in three different formats. First, you will learn from the lectures and the assigned course materials, which provide the background necessary to address the problems we will discuss in class. The second venue for learning is class discussions. Here you will have the opportunity to present your point of view and defend it against those of your classmates. Our goal for the class discussion is to come up with a viable solution for the branding problem faced by the company. Finally, the third learning venue is the individual case preparation and the case-related discussions within each team prior to discussing the case in class. The ultimate goal of this course is to enhance your knowledge of branding and brand management. Specifically, this course aims to: (1) introduce the key elements of brand management, (2) provide a sound framework for brand-focused action planning, and (3) sharpen your leadership, analytical, and communication skills. The course involves a mixture of case discussions and lectures, with an emphasis on developing a strategic approach that will enable you to understand the environment in which a company operates and identify opportunities and threats, identify and solve brand-related marketing problems, and develop actionable brand management plans.
Startup Branding (ENTR-973-5)
There is a big difference between managing an existing brand and launching a new brand. In "Startup Branding," you will learn how to turn ideas into brands, with a specific focus on the importance of early branding decisions in new ventures and brand design execution with limited resources. The course is structured around a multi-week assignment in which student teams will design a new brand for a new venture. Course coverage includes brand strategy, brand design, the brand experience, launching the brand, and leading the brand. The course format is a blend of lecture, exercise, cross-team collaboration and ideation sessions, and guest speakers.